We encourage our users to communicate and resolve disputes using the Resolution Center.Requests to cancel an order after completion will be assessed by our Customer Support team, based on:
Violations to our Terms of Service(intmint.com).
General misconduct, such as harassment, unlawful behavior, etc.
Orders are not eligible to be canceled based on the quality of service/materials delivered by the seller if the service was rendered as described in the Service page. You may rate your experience with the seller on the order page, including the overall level of service quality received.
Intmint Customer Support will cancel orders based on, but not limited to, the following reasons:
Active Orders (after you submit your requirements and before the seller delivers on Intmint )
The seller is late and unresponsive for more than 24 hours after the order is marked as Late.
Users are abusive towards the other party, which includes threats of low ratings or using personal information against each other.
Users supplied or included copyright/trademark infringing materials within the order.
The user is no longer an active Intmint user due to Terms of Service violations or closure of their account.
Delivered Orders (after the seller clicks Deliver Now and before the order is marked as complete)
The seller marked the order as "completed" but did not provide the final service.
Note: Multiple reports of this behavior will lead to suspension of the seller's account.
The seller didn't deliver any files or proof of work, which was agreed upon in the original order requirement.
Note: The subjectivity of the materials in question will be reviewed by our Customer Support team.
The seller requests additional payments, on or off the Intmint platform, by withholding the final delivery of services directly related to the agreed requirements.
The seller is withholding the final delivery for improved ratings.
If you abuse the Request Revisions button and ask for different services than agreed-upon requirements.
If you threaten to leave a bad rating to gain more services from the seller, not related to the agreed requirements.
Completed Orders (after the order is marked as complete and before the 24 hours limitation)
Users who have been reported to use copyright/trademark infringing materials after verification and with proof.
If you did not purchase commercial use rights and are reported to have used the materials commercially.
Note: Terms of Commercial use is found on the seller's Service page and cannot be retroactively included once the order is completed for over 14 days.
Intmint Customer Support will review cases of Order delivery manipulation that prevents Buyers and Sellers from fully utilizing our Resolution Center that enabled the order to be marked as complete.
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